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Primary Blog/Market Analysis/Social Media Analysis - 3 Important Questions

Social Media Analysis - 3 Important Questions

Thursday, December 01, 2022

You use a social media analysis to find out which social media platforms best suit your company , objectives and target groups

A social media analysis is about the answers to the following questions:

  • Are there social media goals? If yes which one?
  • ​What have been the results of the social media platforms used per objective?
  • Which social media platforms have the best expected return on investment (ROI) in terms of number of new customers, brand awareness and/or loyalty?

Social media objectives

In general, the goals for social media are as follows:

In general, the goals for social media are as follows:

  • Acquiring new customers
  • ​More brand awareness for the company
  • More loyalty from existing customers
  • ​A mix of the above reasons

More specific objectives could be, for example:

  • 100 new followers per month on a social media platform like Facebook.
  • ​1000 total followers on a social media platform in 2017
  • 5 New customers per month via facebook.
  • ​50 contact moments per month via social media platforms.

Social media KPIs

Key performance indicators (KPIs) are measures that can be used to measure whether objectives are being achieved. Different KPIs are important for each social media objective.

The main objectives are listed below.

New Customers

  • Number of visitors to the website.
  • ​Number of conversions from social media.
  • The growth in visitors and conversions over a certain period of time.

Brand Awareness

  • Number of visitors to the website.
  • ​The growth in likes and followers, subscribers, etc.
  • Number of views.
  • ​The growth in views.


  • The number of shares and comments on posts.
  • ​The growth in the number of likes on posts.
  • Percentage of followers who interact with posts.

The numbers of these KPIs outline the current situation of a company's social media. Every social media platform has analytics that can find out this data.

Finding platforms with potential

Below is the step-by-step plan to find the platforms where the expected results are the highest.

1. Collecting information about the target audience of a potential platform

  • The number of shares and comments on posts.
  • ​Find competitors on the potential platform and find out how they score on key KPIs.
  • Ask users of the platform about how and why they use it.
  • ​Use data from the past

2. Discover the advertising possibilities and forecasts with a certain budget

  • Discover the cost per click (cost of 1 user of a platform to send to your website).
  • ​Find out the number of expected views.
  • Discover expected conversions.

3. Compare results from different platforms.

We hope that by reading this article you have learned more about the usefulness and making of a social media analysis. Do you have any questions or comments after reading the article? Then you can always contact us without obligation!



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Hi, I Am Jorick Sikkes

CEO Of Bamboo Marketing

Growth Consultant | I help entrepreneurs that fight for sustainability to breakthrough and grow like bamboo. I do this by connecting them to the right tools, strategies, people, habits and mindset